Needs assessment for the management of the waste produced by MINUSCA in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR)
Partner Organizations :
European Union Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Programme (DIPECHO) and the consortium of NGOs - Oxfam, ACTED, Save the Children and Handicap International.

Year - 2016

Location - Colombo, Kilinochchi and Mullativu (Sri Lanka)

In April 2017, Expertise France requested the services of a waste management expert to carry out a mission to identify the needs of MINUSCA in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR), in terms of waste management. MINUSCA is the international peacekeeping force which has been deployed to the CAR following the unrest that has developed in the country in recent years. The mission of the expert was to conduct a study of the needs of MINUSCA in terms of waste management, and on the basis of this study, to propose recommendations and a priority action plan to meet the identified needs. The mission resulted in the elaboration of concrete recommendations for the optimization of waste management by MINUSCA, which will enable MINUSCA to guard against the hygienic and reputational consequences of inadequate management in this field. The study also highlighted the waste management challenges that exist in the city of Bangui.